McDonough Baby Photographer | Addison is ONE

I am reaching back in the archives to catch up on blogging.  Sweet Baby Addison came to see me in my South Atlanta Studio for her newborn session in July of 2012 and I was lucky enough to see her again for her 6 month session (see that blog here) and capture all of those great smiles and see all the precious new things she had learned since her newborn session. For this blog post, She is now the big O-N-E.

Addison is the youngest of 4 and is a ham.  She lights up the room and will make everyone laugh with her bright smile, blue eye and beautiful blonde hair.  There was no exception this day.  She was ready to show the world how cute she is.

One Year sessions are some of the best sessions.  Babies have developed their sweet and sometimes funny personality, will laugh and smile and make the sweetest faces.  I love capturing all of the great new things they have learned to do.  They usually have figured out they can now walk or are at least furniture surfers and it’s so fun capturing some of their first steps on camera.  The first year flies by, as we all know so be sure to contact me about rates and session details for all those precious first year milestones.


Fayetteville One year baby photographerMcDonough baby one year picturesMacon Baby PhotographerAtlanta One Year Photo SessionConyers child photographerMcDonough Child PhotographerAtlanta family photography

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